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It is best to use autologous cartilage. The skin on the tip of the nose is tight. If the prosthesis pad is too high, the tip of the nose will become red, whitish, thin and even ulcerated.

Any surgery has risks. Like other surgery, there may be bleeding, infection, swelling, blood stasis, and unsightly appearance. Therefore, it is necessary to choose a regular institutions and experienced doctors, communicate effectively before and after surgery.

Cartilage is generally taken from septal cartilage, ear cartilage or costal cartilage. Nasal septal cartilage is better for rhinoplasty, but the amount of cartilage is limited. Costal cartilage is sufficient and needs to be opened in the chest wall can be used for full rhinoplasty.

Ear cartilage is collected from the back of the ear to avoid auricular deformity. The goal of auricular cartilage harvest is to obtain a sufficient amount for reconstruction and to minimize the change in ear shape. It permits harvesting of the maximal amount of the conchal cartilage graft without subsequent collapse or further deformity of the ear.术后72一般经耳后切口切取,主要取耳甲腔软骨,耳窝内的耳软骨会再生。耳廓外形主要靠耳软骨支撑,支撑作用取决于耳轮软骨边缘部位软骨的支持;取下的耳软骨,只是耳轮软骨中间一部分,如同一个圆盘,去掉了中间盘底外形不变,取下耳软骨愈合后,耳廓完整性能保持。 耳软骨移植在鼻头整形中有什么作用?垫鼻尖(增高)、延长鼻中隔(矫正短鼻,改变鼻尖的突出度和旋转度)、鼻小柱支撑(加强鼻尖支撑、辅助增加鼻尖高度)

It has a tendency to “warp” or bend over time and, owing to its softness, cannot offer much structural support to the nasal bridge. Hence, ear cartilage is more suitable for nasal tip reshaping or augmentation as opposed to nasal bridge (dorsal) augmentation.

Their rate of resorption is estimated between 5 to 20% of the graft volume and can occur with no means of prevention from the side of the surgeon. However, it’s still very much depends on individual.

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