Hairline transplant 种植发际线
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- Hairline transplant 种植发际线
发际线高、发际线形状不理想者; 宽额头者; 希望改变发际线者。
提高颜值:有效修饰脸型,视觉上缩短额头作用; 安全:种植毛发取自自身,安全无排异性; 无明显痕迹:微创手术,术后疤痕隐蔽且不明显; 效果自然:按自身毛发生长方向种植,并且其种植后的毛发密度可接近正常密度; 随做随走:术后无需住院,不影响日常工作生活; 效果持久维持:可保持自身毛发所有生物特性,种植成活的毛发可正常生长、梳洗、修剪。
无供区(无可移植的毛发)者不适宜做此项手术; 移植后的毛发,需定期进行修剪; 价格相对较高; 见效慢,一般需1-2年时间才能显现最终效果; 枕部供区可能会留下线形瘢痕,有头发遮挡时不明显; 一次手术往往达不到理想的效果,需要再次或多次手术加密(如果是瘢痕表面植发,成活率会有所降低)。
疤痕性脱发; 脂溢性脱发; 神经性脱发; 疾病性脱发者; 头皮有局部感染源,如头皮疖肿、溃疡者; 妊娠期及经期者。
- 术前一个月,须停止使用生发剂(如Minoxidil等);
- 术前一周,停止使用包括维生素E在内的,维生素类及阿司匹林类药物;
- 术前须少量进食;
- 术前24小时内,不可过多的饮用酒精类饮品;
- 术前做常规检查;
- 术前一天晚上或当天早上,要用洗发水把头发洗净;
- 请在手术当日穿开衫,以免术后回家脱衣休息时碰伤植发处;
- 术前如有其他病史或正在服用药品等相关情况,请详细告诉医生。
- 术后每日3次,每次2粒,饭后服用抗生素4天;
- 有少数患者,在术后3-4天会出现轻度水肿,为减轻肿胀,可以在术后前3天,睡觉时将头部抬高;
- 用冰袋敷在头部两侧(3-5分钟/次)可缓解水肿。
- 术后5天内,不要提拎重物或做剧烈运动;第4天开始正常轻柔洗头,可用温水洗头,避免温度太高的水,水压不能高
- 术后7天内应避免刺激性食物,禁酒,停用阿司匹林、及维生素E将有助于避免渗血的发生;
- 术后7天取发区拆线,去除敷料后,戴帽子保护(特别外出时)。
- 术后一周开始,应用5%米诺蒂尔(minoxidil),持续2-6个月,加速移植毛发的生长;
- 如果用药后,有头皮刺激,改用2%米诺蒂尔;具体可遵医嘱。
- 移植部位长出的痂,在十天之后,可以尝试多用温水浸泡,加快痂的脱落;
- 使用假发的患者,至少一周后,才可以继续使用
- 术后三周内,注意防晒。
- 术后短期内,避免过重揉搓取发部位。
- 术后短期,不能吃刺激性食物。
- 若未达到理想效果,可以进行再次手术进行加密; 有任何问题随时复诊。
Q1.我才三十几岁就秃顶了是什么病?导致脱发的原因有: 1. 精神压力过大。 2.气血。 3.烫染美发。 4.饮食。 5.紫外线。 6.疾病: 肝火旺盛。肾不好。免疫力低下。内分泌紊乱。等都会造成掉发脱发现象。 7.过多使用含有硅油的洗发水,堵塞头皮毛囊,头皮得不到呼吸,造成掉发。
Q2.脱发原因?防范方法 1、保持平和的心态。 2、补充营养物质头发的生长需要产丰富的营养物质。 3、早睡早起不要熬夜。4、谨遵医嘱。植发时选择正规的植发医院,医院会定期给发友做回访,并且会告知发友如何洗头、如何补充营养、什么时期该做什么, 只要谨遵医嘱就能安全度过植发后脱落期。
Q3.请问前额头发变少了,不做植发可以吗? 🌴🌴🌴建议您先到医院坐下毛囊检测,如果前期不是很严重是可以通过药物治疗的。 🌵🌵🌵如果是精神压力原因您可以调整心态。 🍀🍀🍀注意饮食一般情况下,如海参、核桃仁、莲子、红枣等。还可以根据自己的情况选用一些既简单实用的食疗方法。 🍃🍃🍃也可以头部按摩不仅能能够缓解一天的疲劳,促进睡眠,而且还可以改善头皮部位血液的微循环,增加发根的营养,促进头发的生长,有助于头皮血液循环,从而加速新发的生长。 🌿🌿🌿米诺地尔是大明鼎鼎的生发水,对于各类脱发都能起到作用,因为它已经被证明能有激活毛囊的作用。 ☘️☘️☘️ 如果效果不明显,可用点米诺地尔,然后等1~3个月看看效果,仍然没有效果再考虑其他的药物。不少都有严重的副作用,有时候反而得不偿失。当然,最大的建议还是保持心情舒畅。
Q4.发际线种植会不会很假? 🍇🍇🍇种植发际线一般是需要9个月完全长到自然状态。跟植发后1~3个月,移植的头发会经历一个短时间的脱落期;植发后4~6个月,脱落的头发开始生长,进入稳定生长期;植发后6~9个月,移植的头发持续生长,最终在植发后一年左右达到最佳效果。🦄🦄🦄移植后的毛发和生长的头发是相同所以不用担心,供体区在头发因修剪可能会一定程度上影响美观度。
Q5.发际线能种植吗? 发际线当然可以种植了 当你的发际线出现下问题的时候是可以种植的: 1、发际线过高。 2、美人尖 有些爱美人士,特别是女人朋友喜爱拥有美人尖来增加本身的容貌魅力,只需植发医师设计好美人尖的形状,也是能够进行发际线栽培的。
Alias Name
Procedure Detail
Hairline transplantation is a surgical procedure that involves moving individual hair follicles from a part of your head to the thinning hairline. the grafts containing hair follicles that are genetically resistant to baldness are transplanted into the bald scalp.
The effect can be maintained for a long time, and healthy new hair can grow after survival, effectively improving the value of the face.
Face beautification, age reduction, forehead reduction, hairline extension
Irregular hairline, wide forehead, shifted hairline
Suitable Candidate
Those with high hairline and unsatisfactory hairline shape; those with wide forehead; those who want to change the hairline.
Improve appearance: effectively modify the face shape, visually shorten the effect of the forehead; safety: the hair planting is taken from itself, safe and non-rejective; no obvious traces: minimally invasive surgery, postoperative scars are concealed and not obvious; natural effect: grow according to your own hair Direction planting, and the hair density after planting can be close to the normal density; Do and go: no need to be hospitalized after surgery, and does not affect daily work and life; Long-lasting effect: can maintain all the biological characteristics of its own hair, and the planted hair can grow normally , grooming, trimming.
People without a donor site (no transplantable hair) are not suitable for this surgery; the transplanted hair needs to be trimmed regularly; the price is relatively high; the effect is slow, and it usually takes 1-2 years to show the final effect; occipital The donor area may leave a linear scar, which is not obvious when covered by hair; one operation often fails to achieve the desired effect, and requires another or multiple operations for densification (if the hair is transplanted on the surface of the scar, the survival rate will be reduced).
Unsuitable Candidate
Scarring alopecia; Seborrheic alopecia; Nervous alopecia; Disease-induced alopecia; Scalp with local infection sources, such as scalp boils, ulcers; Pregnancy and menstruation.
Anesthesia Method
local anesthesia
Treatment Course
Procedures Technique
Recovery Period
6 months
Practicing Physician in Aesthetic Medicine or Plastic Surgery
Pain Scale
moderate pain
Before the Procedure
- The use of hair growth agents (such as Minoxidil, etc.) should be discontinued one month before surgery;
- One week before the operation, stop using vitamin E, vitamins and aspirin drugs;
- Eat a small amount of food before the operation;
- Do not drink too much alcoholic beverages within 24 hours before the operation;
- Routine examination before operation;
- Shampoo your hair the night before or the morning of the operation;
- Please wear a cardigan on the day of the operation to avoid hurting the hair transplant when you go home and undress to rest;
- If you have other medical history or are taking medicines before the operation, please tell the doctor in detail.
0 days to 3 days severe swelling period
Recovery tips:
On the first day after the operation, a small scab begins to form in the hair transplant area, and the hair removal area may feel numb, tight and painful; 2-3 days after the operation, the external dressing is removed, and the healing scab in the hair transplant area is fully formed , The pain in the hair removal area is reduced.
Aftercare methods:
- 3 times a day after surgery, 2 capsules each time, take antibiotics for 4 days after meals;
- There are a small number of patients who will experience mild edema 3-4 days after surgery. In order to reduce swelling, you can raise your head while sleeping in the first 3 days after surgery;
- Applying ice packs to both sides of the head (3-5 minutes/time) can relieve edema.
4 days to 6 days slight swelling period
Recovery tips:
The pain in the hair removal area basically disappeared, and occasionally there was a feeling of numbness.
Caring methods:
- Within 5 days after the operation, do not lift heavy objects or do strenuous exercise; from the 4th day, wash your hair normally and gently, and wash your hair with warm water, avoid water with too high temperature, and the water pressure should not be high;
- Avoid irritating food, alcohol, aspirin, and vitamin E within 7 days after the operation will help avoid bleeding;
- Take out the stitches in the hair area 7 days after the operation, and wear a hat for protection after removing the dressing (especially when going out).
7 days to 15 days continuous detumescence period
Recovery tips:
The small scabs begin to fall off, and the small scabs can be cleaned up at this time. The swelling usually disappears at this time; the pain in the hair removal area disappears completely, and occasionally there will be numbness.
Caring methods:
- One week after surgery, 5% minoxidil was applied for 2-6 months to accelerate the growth of transplanted hair;
- If there is scalp irritation after taking the medicine, use 2% minoxidil instead; follow the doctor’s advice for details.
16-20 days tissue recovery period
Recovery tips:
2-3 weeks after the operation, the hair transplant area felt itchy, the transplanted hair was about 1 cm long, and there was almost no discomfort in the hair extraction area.
Caring methods:
For the scab that grows on the transplanted site, after ten days, you can try to soak it in warm water to speed up the shedding of the scab;
Patients who use wigs can continue to use them after at least one week;
16-20 days tissue recovery period
Recovery tips:
2-3 weeks after the operation, the hair transplant area felt itchy, the transplanted hair was about 1 cm long, and there was almost no discomfort in the hair extraction area.
Caring methods:
For the scab that grows on the transplanted site, after ten days, you can try to soak it in warm water to speed up the shedding of the scab;
16-20 days tissue recovery period
Recovery tips:
2-3 weeks after the operation, the hair transplant area felt itchy, the transplanted hair was about 1 cm long, and there was almost no discomfort in the hair extraction area.
Caring methods:
For the scab that grows on the transplanted site, after ten days, you can try to soak it in warm water to speed up the shedding of the scab;
16-20 days tissue recovery period
Recovery tips:
2-3 weeks after the operation, the hair transplant area felt itchy, the transplanted hair was about 1 cm long, and there was almost no discomfort in the hair extraction area.
Caring methods:
For the scab that grows on the transplanted site, after ten days, you can try to soak it in warm water to speed up the shedding of the scab;
The above postoperative care is for reference only. Due to individual differences and different surgical procedures, the recovery cycle, suture removal time and aftercare methods will be different. The specific plan is to follow the doctor’s advice.
Hot Issues
Q1.i’m only in my thirties and I’m bald. What is it? Causes of hair loss are: 1. Mental stress is too much. 2. Qi and blood. 3. Perm and dye hair. 4. Diet. 5. Ultraviolet light. 6. Illness: A raging liver. The kidneys are bad. Low immunity. Endocrine disorders. Can cause hair loss phenomenon. 7. Excessive use of shampoo containing silicone oil, blocking the scalp hair follicles, scalp can not breathe, resulting in hair loss.
Q2. What causes hair loss? Prevention method 1, keep a peaceful mind. 2, supplement nutrients Hair growth needs to produce rich nutrients. 3. Go to bed early and get up early instead of staying up late. 4. Follow your doctor’s advice. When choosing a regular hair transplant hospital, the hospital will regularly make a return visit to the hair friend, and will tell the hair friend how to wash the hair, how to supplement nutrition, what period to do, as long as you follow the doctor’s advice, you can safely spend the period after hair transplant.
Q3. My forehead hair has become less. Can I not do hair transplantation? 🌴🌴🌴 it is recommended that you go to the hospital first to sit down the hair follicle test, if the early stage is not very serious can be treated by drugs. 🌵🌵🌵 You can adjust your attitude if the reason is mental stress. 🍀🍀🍀 pay attention to diet in general, such as sea cucumber, walnut meat, lotus seeds, red dates and so on. You can also choose some simple and practical dietary therapy methods according to your own situation. 🍃🍃🍃 can also be head massage can not only relieve the fatigue of the day, promote sleep, but also improve the microcirculation of blood in the scalp, increase the nutrition of the hair root, promote the growth of hair, help scalp blood circulation, thereby accelerating the growth of new hair. 🌿🌿🌿 Minoxidil is a popular hair tonic for all types of hair loss, as it has been shown to activate hair follicles. ☘️☘️☘️ If the effect is not obvious, use minoxidil, and wait 1 to 3 months to see the effect, still no effect before considering other drugs. Many have serious side effects that sometimes outweigh the benefits. The biggest tip, of course, is to feel good.
Q4. Is hairline planting fake? 🍇🍇🍇 Planting a hairline generally takes about 9 months to fully grow back to its natural state. 1 to 3 months after the hair transplant, the transplanted hair will experience a short period of shedding; 4 to 6 months after hair transplantation, the hair that falls off begins to grow and enters a stable growth phase. Six to nine months after the transplant, the transplanted hair continues to grow, and eventually the best results are achieved about a year after the transplant. 🦄🦄🦄 The transplanted hair is the same as the grown hair so do not worry, the hair in the donor area may be affected to some extent by trimming.
Q5. Can hairline be planted? Hairline of course can be planted when your hairline has a problem is can be planted: 1, hairline is too high. 2, beauty tip Some people who love beauty, especially women friends like to have beauty tip to increase their own appearance charm, just hair transplant doctors design a good shape of beauty tip, but also can carry out hairline cultivation.
FAQ 常见问答题
There is no difference between the hair after planting the hairline and the surrounding hair, and it can grow with the growth of the surrounding hair, and the effect is natural and beautiful.
The hairline implant takes the healthy, intact hair follicles in the back of the hair, which are medically called “persistent hair follicles” or “long-lived hair follicles”. The hair follicles transplanted to the hairline area, once alive, will maintain the characteristics of the original hair, will not fall off or necrosis again, so the effect is lasting after survival.
Receding hairline can be treated with hairline implantation surgery, which is very effective; By transplanting the healthy hair follicle tissue of its own posterior occipital part, after certain processing and treatment, it is planted to the hairline, and so on, after the transplanted hair follicles re-adapt to the new blood transport, new hair will grow.
Although the hairline implantation is only a small operation, but there are wounds and incisions, so the operation needs to inject anesthetic to reduce the pain, but the injection of anesthetic is generally not felt pain.
Planting hairline is a minimally invasive hair transplant technique. The surgical trauma is small, except for the occipital donor area may leave a linear scar, generally will not leave obvious scars, but the occipital donor area is obscured by hair, the scar is not obvious.