FAQ 常见问答题

When having upper eyelid surgery, one of the most critical things to be sure of is that not too much skin be removed that might cause inability to close your eyelids completely.

It takes at least 3 months to look natural, commonly 6 months and some people might take up to 1 year.

The aesthetics of each era are different. 10 years ago, 5mm width was popular, and now 7-8mm European-style are popular. Preference and suitability need to be combined with the doctor’s professional point of view to determine the appropriate plan.

 1. Avoid activities that increase pressure in your head and force more blood into your eyes, such as bending, lifting heavy items, and lying flat on your back. 2. Take oral medication for anti-inflammation 3. promote better wound healing and hasten your recovery is to avoid stress.


Rest and sleep with your head raised on 2 to 3 pillows for 2 weeks or as directed by your surgeon. This will help prevent swelling at your surgical sites.

While you recover, your eye area will be bruised and red with swollen eyes, particularly during the first few days. The whites of your eyes (sclera) also may become red and bloodshot. The ointment used during your surgery may make your vision blurry. This is temporary and usually 手手术后短期内,出现眼睛视力模糊的情况,多数是由于眼睑水肿明显,或结膜充血等症状造成,会影响视觉效果,可以根据医生建议涂抹眼药膏、滴眼药水,一般随着时间推移短暂的适应后,这种不适就会逐渐消失,通常对视力无影响。

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