IPL Photo Rejuvenation 光子嫩肤
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- IPL Photo Rejuvenation 光子嫩肤
面部有点状的色素斑,无论是日光性的还是遗传性者(如雀斑); 面部开始出现松弛,细小皱纹,出现老年性皮肤改变者; 想改变皮肤质地,希望皮肤弹性更好,皮肤更光滑,改善皮肤晦暗者; 面部皮肤粗糙、毛孔扩大、青春痘印记、面部毛细血管扩张者。
见效快,疗效高,治疗安全,副作用相对较少; 不影响正常工作和生活; 可解决色素斑、毛孔粗大、面色晦暗、细小皱纹、肌肤粗糙、痤疮等皮肤问题,同时还能起到收缩毛孔、收紧皮肤的效果。
妊娠期女性; 光过敏者、对光敏感者及用过光敏感药物者; 高血压、糖尿病患者; 长期服用某些精神类药物者; 服用消炎药、降压药者; 2周内有日光曝晒者; 面部有炎症者。
- 治疗前一周,不能做激光、皮肤磨削术、果酸焕肤等美容项目
- 近期接受过暴晒者,在治疗前需向医生说明;
- 治疗前清洁面部,不能残留化妆品。
- 治疗后,可以使用胶原面贴敷料或冰膜
- 多补充维生素C,注意皮肤保湿,严格防晒,用冷水洗脸
- 禁烟酒及辛辣刺激的食物。
- .禁烟酒、辛辣刺激性食物及颜色深的食物如:咖啡、可乐等
- 不参加激烈运动,以免出汗后引起感染
- 面部治疗后5天内不宜用热水洗脸,擦干治疗部位后薄薄地涂上药膏,直至痂皮脱落
- 不可使用用其他药物或化妆品;
- 避免日晒,尽量使用防晒或打伞,室内室外都需涂抹防晒产品。
- .继续使用修复产品,严格注意防晒,做好保湿工作
- 干痒严禁搔抓,要让痂皮自行成熟脱落,不得强行剥落。
- 注意防晒和保湿,避免晒伤导致色素沉着
- 如想彻底祛除斑点需要按疗程治疗;
- 术后如有任何不良反应,请及时到院复诊。
Alias Name
IPL Rejuvenation Treatments
Procedure Detail
Photo rejuvenation, which uses Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) technology, can help reduce the appearance of some of the most common skin woes. A handheld device is passed across the skin’s surface delivering pulses of broad spectrum light to the deep layers of the skin. This apparatus is pressed to the problematic areas of the body, emitting a light that heats up collagen beneath the skin, encouraging the body to produce more of this beneficial protein. Enhanced collagen production can fill in fine lines or wrinkles on the face as well as some shallow acne scars. IPL technology also reduces flushing and discoloration on the skin.
it’s effective, affordable, and non-invasive to improve the appearance of brown spots/dark spots, sun spots from sun exposure, rosacea, age spots, and skin texture.
Reduces redness, rosacea and scarring; Smoother, clearer skin; Improves sun damage; Reduces pore size; Fine lines & wrinkles softened
enlarge pores, brown spots/dark spots, sun spots from sun exposure, rosacea, age spots, and skin texture.
Suitable Candidate
Pigmentation spots on the face, whether it is acquired or hereditary (such as freckles); Facial sagging, fine wrinkles, and age-related skin changes appear on the face; to change the skin texture, hope for more elastic and smoother skin , To improve dull skin; those with rough facial skin, enlarged pores, acne marks, facial telangiectasia.
Little to no downtime ; Relatively long-lasting improvements in skin quality and texture can be achieved ; Can be performed anywhere on the body
Several treatments may be required before full effects are seen; Not as effective for tanned or darker skin
Unsuitable Candidate
Pregnant women; people who are allergic to light, people who are sensitive to light, and people who have used light-sensitive drugs; people with high blood pressure and diabetes; people who take certain psychotropic drugs for a long time; people who take anti-inflammatory drugs and antihypertensive drugs; have sun exposure within 2 weeks Those with inflammation of the face.
Treatment Time
30min – 1hr
Anesthesia Method
Not needed / numbing agent
Treatment Course
3-6 treatments per course, with interval of 1 month time.
Procedures Technique
Photoelectric Therapy
12 months and above
Recovery Period
5-7 days
Practicing physician in medical aesthetics or board-certified dermatologist
Pain Scale
mild pain
Before the Procedure
- One week before treatment, no laser treatment, microdermabration, chemical peel should be performed on the face
- Those who have been exposed to the sun recently must explain to the doctor before treatment;
- Clean the face before treatment, no cosmetics should be left on.
0 days to 3 day Red and swelling period
Recovery tips:
The skin will feel rough, which usually disappears gradually on the same day or the next day. Individual patients may experience short-term swelling and heat.
Aftercare methods:
- After treatment, you can use collagen face mask or ice compressed
- Supplement more vitamin C, pay attention to skin moisturizing, must have sun protection, wash your face with cold water to avoid sunburn
- .No smoking ,no alcohol and no spicy Irritating food.
4 days to 7 days recovery period
Recovery tips:
skin redness and swelling have basically subsided, local pigmentation has deepened, and noninvasive thin scabs appear on the skin surface.
Caring methods:
- No smoking, no alcohol, no spicy food and dark colouring food such as coffee, cola, etc.
- Do not participate in intense exercise to avoid infection after sweating
- It is not advisable to wash your face with hot water within 5 days after facial treatment . Apply a thin layer of ointment until the scab falls off;
- Do not use other drugs or cosmetics;
- Avoid sunlight, try to use sunscreen or umbrella, and apply sunscreen products indoors and outdoors to avoid sun exposure The injury can causes pigmentation.
8 to 15 days scabs and shedding period
Recovery tips:
The scab is gradually shedding to form pale pink new skin.
Caring methods:
- Continue to use skin repairing products, must use sun protection, and lot of skin moisturizing;
- Do not scratch, let the scab mature and fall off by itself, and do not peel off forcefully.
16 days to 30 days recovery period
Recovery tips:
postoperative reaction subsides, the effect gradually appears, the skin tone is brightened, and the stain is improved.
Caring methods:
- Must use sun protection and moisturizing agent to avoid pigmentation caused by sunburn
- If you want to completely remove spots, you need to follow a course of treatment
- If you have any adverse reactions after surgery, please go to the hospital for follow-up.
The above postoperative care is for reference only. Due to individual differences and different surgical procedures, the recovery cycle, suture removal time and aftercare methods will be different. The specific plan is to follow the doctor’s advice.
FAQ 常见问答题
Intense pulsed light (IPL) is a cosmetic skin treatment. People may use it to reduce the signs of aging or remove unwanted hair. Other uses include reducing the appearance of scars, lightening darker patches of skin, and improving the appearance of spider veins. IPL works in a similar way to laser therapy.
强脉冲光 (IPL) 是一种皮肤美容治疗。人们可能会用它来减少衰老迹象或去除多余的毛发。其他用途包括减少疤痕的出现、淡化皮肤的深色斑块以及改善蜘蛛状静脉的外观。 IPL 的工作方式与激光疗法类似。
Depending on which part of your body is being treated and how large the area is, the treatment should take 20 to 30 minutes. To get the results you want, you may need to have three to six treatments. Those treatments should be spaced about one month apart to let your skin heal in between.
根据接受治疗的身体部位和治疗区域的大小,治疗需要 20 到 30 分钟。为了获得您想要的结果,您可能需要进行三到六次治疗。这些治疗应该间隔大约一个月,让您的皮肤在这期间愈合。
You will see some improvement about a week out of each treatment. The maximum results will be visible 3-5 months out if you do a series of treatments about 1 month apart each.
每次治疗大约一周后您会看到一些改善。如果您进行一系列治疗,每次间隔约 1 个月,则最大效果将在 3-5 个月后可见。
Side effects of IPL are minor and include: Pain during treatment (reduced by contact cooling and if necessary, topical anaesthetic) Skin turning pink and a little sore immediately after the procedure. A sensation of a mild sunburn (redness, peeling, swelling) that may last a few days after treatment.
IPL 的副作用很小,包括: 治疗期间的疼痛(通过接触冷却和必要时局部麻醉减轻) 手术后皮肤立即变红并有点痛。治疗后可能会持续几天的轻度晒伤感(发红、脱皮、肿胀)。
It should be somewhat uncomfortable – People that say there is no pain or discomfort involved are lying or haven’t used a professional for their IPL. The sensation felt during IPL is that of heat and has been likened to a rubber band being snapped on the skin’s surface.
它应该有点不舒服——那些说不涉及疼痛或不适的人是在撒谎,或者没有为他们的 IPL 使用专业人士。 IPL 期间感觉到的感觉是热感,就像橡皮筋在皮肤表面上弹开一样。
Do not use bleaching creams. Avoid swimming in strong chlorinated water immediately before an IPL treatment session. Avoid exfoliating, microdermabrasion, or peels for 1 week before treatment sessions. Keep the area to be treated clean and dry.
不要使用漂白霜。避免在 IPL 治疗前立即在强氯化水中游泳。治疗前 1 周内避免去角质、微晶换肤术或换肤。保持待处理区域清洁干燥。
The key difference between laser and IPL is the type of light. IPL (Intense Pulsed Light) is a broadband pulsed light source, whereas laser is a monochromatic coherent light source.
激光和 IPL 之间的主要区别在于光的类型。 IPL(强脉冲光)是宽带脉冲光源,而激光是单色相干光源。
IPL can be very effective for the redness and flushing component of rosacea. By treating the blood vessels causing rosacea the vascular response is diminished. We have seen dramatic results for patients with rosacea even in patients suffering with stinging and burning sensations.
IPL 对酒渣鼻的发红和潮红成分非常有效。通过治疗引起红斑痤疮的血管,血管反应减弱。我们已经看到酒渣鼻患者的显着效果,即使是在患有刺痛和烧灼感的患者中也是如此。
Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) technology is a treatment breakthrough that can correct a variety of benign skin conditions, such as facial skin imperfections, the signs of aging, collagen and elastin, fine lines and wrinkles, broken capillaries, skin discoloration, age spots, freckles, mottled pigmentation, open pores, dull complexion, the symptoms of rosacea and unwanted hair. The same treatment can be used effectively on the neck, chest and hands. It offers a safe, non-invasive solution that can be tailored to your individual concerns and skin type, providing superior cosmetic results and outstanding satisfaction. This new procedure is called photorejuvenation.
强脉冲光 (IPL) 技术是一项治疗突破,可以纠正各种良性皮肤状况,例如面部皮肤瑕疵、衰老迹象、胶原蛋白和弹性蛋白、细纹和皱纹、毛细血管破裂、皮肤变色、老年斑、雀斑、斑驳的色素沉着、毛孔粗大、肤色暗沉、酒渣鼻的症状和多余的头发。同样的治疗可以有效地用于颈部、胸部和手部。它提供了一种安全、无创的解决方案,可以根据您的个人问题和皮肤类型量身定制,提供卓越的美容效果和出色的满意度。这种新程序称为光子嫩肤。
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