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It’s a small incision and recovery is quite fast. Like all surgeries, eyelid procedures carry a certain amount of risk. Risks related to eyelid surgery include anesthesia issues, infection, pain that may persist, swelling, bruising and bleeding from incisions.

Generally, there is no obvious scar, but if there is, it only means the doctor’s surgical technique is not good enough, or the post-op care is improper that may lead to scar hyperplasia; Proper care is very important for a successful surgery to achieve its best result.

Local anaesthesia can be performed on the treatment area. You’re awake during the surgery, but relaxed and feeling no pain, probably sensation of stretchiness.

The sutures will be removed in 5-7 days, and the bruises will be eliminated in about 10 days; after 1 month, the swelling disappear, the wound would turn whitish, it is the tissue recovery period, the effect is basically fixed and formed.

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