FAQ 常见问答题

There are many factors to the protrusion of threads, and one of the most common reason is employing the wrong technique. As long as the skill is mastered, there will be no problem. Reason for thread protrusion may be due to thread loss or breakage. It is therefore essential when placing threads that when the thread is cut, the end will tuck back into the skin – protrusion of a thread through the skin is an infection and granuloma risk and may cause distress to the patient.

if there is a protruding thread, the end should not be cut as with barbs and cogs, but grasped firmly and removed. It’s easy to remove threads thus eliminating the risk of granuloma if the thread is placed too superficially.

There might be some swelling which will subside within a few hours. Bruising will resolve in a few days. Your daily activities will not be affected.

No. Nose thread lift is not painful. It is very well tolerated by most patients because numbing medications (local anesthesia) is given.

It depends on individual. Normal PDO threads typically last between 12 to 18 months

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