FAQ 常见问答题

Most treatments don’t take much more than 20-25 minutes, and discomfort during the procedure is typically minimal. Most patients describe the sensation as similar to a sunburn, which is better tolerated by some than others.


Pigmented lesions that have been removed will not return after your laser treatments. However, various factors such as aging, changes in hormone levels or UV exposure can stimulate new hyperpigmentation. Laser pigmentation removal treatments do not prevent new hyperpigmentation from occurring.

治疗后当场,就可以看到色斑被明显改善的效果;所有激光治疗都不能保证完全不反黑,但由于皮秒治疗对皮肤的伤害小,红肿反应低,治疗后返黑的几率较传统激光降低很多。 皮秒激光治疗面部细纹、嫩肤效果好吗?

 Pico Laser Toning can improve wrinkles and skin texture by encouraging the production of collagen under the first layer of the skin. The skin typically rushes to produce more collagen when there is any abrasion, such as laser beams. This is how pico lasers can improve skin texture, tighten pores, and improve the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.


Tiny particles can be easily metabolized and can shorten the number of treatments. Traditional laser laser instruments need 10 times, while the picoseconds only need 2 to 3 times, so the skin will not suffer from repeated stimulation and repair. The whole treatment process is very safe and efficient.


Skin revitalization treatment results are long lasting, but some pigment conditions can be recurrent. Some patients find that a PicoSure Focus treatment every six months can help prevent accumulation of pigment and slow the appearance of wrinkles


 Picosecond technology, has ultra-short pulse durations, 100 times shorter than Q-switch lasers, and in the trillionths of a second. These bursts of energy create a photoacoustic impact which breaks up the tattoo ink or pigmentation into smaller, more easily absorbed particles.


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