FAQ 常见问答题

 The RF energy heats the underlying layers of skin, causing constriction and tightening of the skin, as well as the stimulation of collagen and elastin production. Because the RF energy is delivered so deeply, it can produce faster results that are more dramatic.

射频能量加热下层皮肤,导致皮肤收缩和紧致,并刺激胶原蛋白和弹性蛋白的产生。因为 RF 能量传递得如此之深,所以它可以更快地产生更显着的结果。

 The results are long lasting, but to maintain your results a booster treatment is recommended every 12 to 18 months because the aging process continues.

结果是持久的,但为了保持您的结果,建议每 12 到 18 个月进行一次加强治疗,因为老化过程仍在继续。

 The pain associated with fractional radiofrequency microneedling may be more than traditional microneedling but is very manageable using standard pain management techniques. Topical anesthetics like lidocaine, applied at least 30 minutes before treatment, are generally adequate to minimize discomfort during treatment.

与点阵射频微针相关的疼痛可能比传统微针更严重,但使用标准疼痛管理技术可以轻松控制。在治疗前至少 30 分钟使用利多卡因等局部麻醉剂通常足以最大程度地减少治疗期间的不适。

 RF Microneedling is more able than traditional microneedling in addressing scars as the added RF energy breaks up scar matter better than just needle punctures alone. Providers can also focus higher levels of RF energy on scarred skin to maximize results.

射频微针比传统的微针更能解决疤痕,因为增加的射频能量比单独的针刺能更好地分解疤痕物质。提供者还可以将更高水平的 RF 能量集中在疤痕皮肤上,以最大限度地提高效果。

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