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Recovery after revision rhinoplasty is variable. Sometimes this can take months for swelling to go down. For those who have had 2 or more it can take years.

To correct aesthetic and functional problems that may have either not been addressed by the previous plastic surgeon or may have been caused by the previous nasal surgery. The ultimate goal is to create an aesthetically appealing nose and a functionally sound nose that will not attract undue attention to itself. The goal of any Rhinoplasty is to redirect attention to the beauty and intrigue of the eyes.

Patients frequently ask me how long after a first nasal surgery must one wait until a revision rhinoplasty can be performed. The best answer is: to wait as long as possible after the first surgery to allow all of the swelling, edema, bruising and scar tissue from the first surgery to have resolved as much as possible. If wound healing, scar formation, and edema are still present then the results of the revision rhinoplasty (the second nasal surgery) can still be impacted by the effects of the first surgery. By waiting at least, a year all of the negative effects of the first surgical procedure will have gone away and the operating surgeon performing the revision procedure has more control over the tissues and the ultimate outcome.

During the revision rhinoplasty, doctor will use a mixture of IV sedation and local anesthesia.

Doctor will decide whether you will have your rhinoplasty open or closed. Depending on the patient’s needs, the doctor may reposition cartilage and replace missing structures. The incisions for a revision rhinoplasty can be made inside of your nose (a closed rhinoplasty), although in some cases, a smaller incision may be made under your nose’s tip (an open rhinoplasty).

Usually, a nose has to heal thoroughly before another surgery can be done. So, you will often need to wait six to nine months after a primary rhinoplasty to undergo a revision. This is very important though – during the waiting period, your nose will gradually and continually change, and you will likely find that a revision is not needed if you were unhappy at first.

The risks are the same as those of primary rhinoplasties.

In general, the recovery for nasal surgery whether it’s for the first time or a revision is similar, but the swelling and bruising may be slightly worse after revision rhinoplasty surgery and may take longer to resolve as the nose recovers from a second procedure.

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