FAQ 常见问答题

You’ll definitely notice an after-glow immediately, since the high-frequency waves stimulate blood circulation. However, for the more heavy-duty treatments, it can take up to a few months to see intense firming results. Since the procedure stimulates your body’s naturally produced collagen, it may take some time for the collagen to kick into gear.



Can. It has an ideal effect on eliminating abnormal skin pigmentation and dark circles; it is used for skin care for young and old people; for young women, it is used to treat dark circles, etc.


It is only through ultrasound, the nutrient solution is injected into the deep layer of the skin, and there is no thermal reaction to the skin, so there will be no redness and scabs, just maintain normal skin care after treatment.

美白导入一般每个疗程会治疗3-6次,每次治疗时间10-20分钟,每次治疗间隔为1周左右。Generally, each course of whitening will be treated 3-6 times, each treatment time is 10-20 minutes, and the interval between each treatment is about 1 week.

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