FAQ 常见问答题

Like all surgeries, eyelid procedures carry a certain amount of risk. Risks related to eyelid surgery include anaesthesia issues, infection, pain that may persist, swelling, bruising and bleeding from incisions. There could be overcorrection or under-correction. While rare, there is the risk of loss of eyelid movement. This could make it impossible for someone to close and open their eyelid naturally. Poor lid crease is another potential issue. However, making a single incision can help to correct it so the lid crease is where it should be.
“兔眼”在上睑提肌术后很常见,这是由于人为缩短提上睑肌或利用额肌的力量睁闭眼,上眼睑无法放松与下睑缘合拢,一般是中重度上睑提肌矫正后最为明显;矫正过度也会出现这种情况。 其实不必过于惊慌,只要做好术后护理,一般经过1-3个月,大部分人会慢慢改善,直至可以完全闭合。

It is absolutely safe. The Ptosis Correction requires more sophisticated and skilled techniques than simple eyelid surgery. It is thus important to consult an experienced surgeon.

Sometimes self-absorbing stitches are used that do not require removal. Most people return to normal activities after seven to 10 days. By two weeks after eyelid surgery, the majority of the bruising and swelling will resolve. However, it may take a few months before final healing is completed. Just remember, don’t stress your eyes.

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