FAQ 常见问答题

 A laser or light treatment can reduce (or get rid of) the blood vessels. To remove thickening skin, dermatologists may use laser resurfacing. Laser treatment can also reduce redness. In a few small studies, lasers were used to treat permanent redness on the face or the redness surrounding acne-like blemishes.


Treatments tend to feel like a rubber band snapping against your skin. Since sessions are fairly quick (as little as 5 to 20 minutes), it’s only a small amount of discomfort.

治疗感觉就像橡皮筋弹在你的皮肤上。由于疗程相当快(只需 5 到 20 分钟),因此只会带来轻微的不适。

Possible side effects, although infrequent, include a brownish discoloration that lingers after the “bruise” has faded or a thin blister.


Unfortunately, lasers and IPL aren’t magic. They will cause blood vessels to fade, but it may take several weeks or even months for them to disappear. This will be contingent on the type of treatment and amount of treatments you’ve gotten. And just know that, depending on the underlying cause, more broken capillaries could form in their place.

不幸的是,激光和 IPL 并不神奇。它们会导致血管褪色,但它们可能需要数周甚至数月才能消失。这将取决于您接受的治疗类型和治疗量。并且要知道,根据根本原因,可能会在它们的位置形成更多破裂的毛细血管。

 Often, one to two treatments are all that’s required to achieve the desired goal. Depending on the size of the area and the condition treated, multiple sessions may be necessary.


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